

Editor in Chief

If you can wade past the complex structure and figure heads’ economic jargon, Central Banks are the most fascinating institutions the government or private sector has ever created. The rewards for individuals and businesses alike of understanding Central Banks is immeasurable. I want to help you get past the complexities and jargon in order to tap into those rewards.



Viceroy of Data and Technology

When Kaleb presented his grand idea, I was excited, but a little skeptical of the timeline. As we continued discussing the idea, it became more and more real in my mind. As I learned more about the ways technology works, I had some place to direct the new found knowledge. In all honesty, this is the perfect side project that allows me to use and focus the creative side of my passion for technology.

By day I am a Security Analyst. By night I am a vigilante saving the world from the tragedy of not understanding the universe of Central Banking, or the Centralverse.